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Плавкие предохранители — Low Voltage Square Fuse
Подробное описание


This series of fuse for AC 50HZ, rated voltage to 1000V, rated current up to 1250A, is mainly used in electrical devices for circuit overload and moderate protection (gG / gl); conductor devices can also be derived for the moderate and complete device protection (aR) and motor short-circuit protection (aM).

This series of fuse rated breaking capacity to 120KA.

This series of fuse in line with the national standard GB13539 and international standards for electrical Work IEC60269.

Design Features
By the copper / silver plate (or wire) made of tapered hemispherical closure melt made from high-strength porcelain fused tube; melting tube filled with chemically treated high-purity quartz sand as arc-quenching medium. Melt welding and the use of two-terminal end plate (or plate) solid electrical connection to form a knife-type contacts into the structure. Can fuse with a fuse indicator or striker, when the fuse blow when Display fuse (indicator) or into a variety of signals and automatic switching circuit (striker).

Fuse Type
Rated voltage (V)

Rated Current (A)
Dimensions(mm) Weight(g)

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